Retirement Questions That Have Nothing to Do With Money
Think about these matters before you leave work for the last time.1/23/2018
retirement planning
Retirement planning is not entirely financial.
Where will you live?
How will you get around in your eighties and nineties?
What will you do with your time?
Too many people retire without any idea of what their retirement will look like. They leave work, and they cannot figure out what to do with themselves, so they grow restless. Certainly, you do not want this to happen to you.
If your life, identity, and social circle revolves around your work, then maybe you should ignore any received wisdom that tells you to retire at a certain age and keep working. On the other hand, if you have goals and passions in mind that you need to pursue – dreams you need to fulfill away from your career or business – then you definitely have the “raw material” to write that next chapter in your life story and retire with purpose.
How will you keep up your home?
Will your relationships with family and friends change?
These are the non-financial retirement questions that no pre-retiree should dismiss. Think about them as you plan and invest for the future.
There is more to retirement planning than financial picture,
consult with a Vermillion Financial Advisor today.
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