Retirement Plans Overview

Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans


An Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan is a retirement plan sponsored by an employer that qualifies for special tax treatment as specified in Section 104(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

An employer-sponsored plan is a type of benefit plan offered to employees at no or relatively low cost. These plans cover an array of services including retirement savings and healthcare. Employees who enroll in such programs capitalize on the benefit of receiving discounted services. On the other hand, employers offering these plans typically benefit from tax breaks. Also, sponsoring benefits is seen as a way to recruit and retain valuable employees.

There are numerous types of employer sponsored retirement plans; however it is easiest to break them into three primary categories:


Defined Benefit Plans



  • Vermillion Financial Advisors is uniquely qualified to create, implement, and maintain your business retirement plans. Carrying the appropriate designations; Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist (CRPS®), and Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), Vermillion Advisors are held to the highest requirements. Learn More


Explore what Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan options make sense for your business,
contact Vermillion Financial Advisors today.

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