Ten Questions When Planning for Financial Security

questions planning financial securityIn February, Vermillion Financial Advisors review their clients' financial inventories and their cash-flow management. To supplement this work, VFA has chosen to provide you, our readers, with an article on how to decide what's important in your financial inventories. When thinking about how to protect your livelihood or build the financial resources you will need to live life as desired, answer these 10 questions first. 1. What is important to me? Before thinking about the right financial products for your needs, clarify what's truly important to you -- the people you care about, the aspirations you have, the things you want to protect, and the … [Read more...]

What to Expect from the Real Estate Market in 2014

real estate market 2014In January, Vermillion Financial Advisors prepare their clients for the New Year ahead. To supplement your preparation of the New Year, VFA would like to provide you, our readers, with an article of what to expect in the housing market in 2014! Seven years have passed since the worst housing market crash in United States history triggered a global financial crisis. Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, and a host of other banks came close to joining them before being rescued in a series of shotgun mergers and acquisitions, the largest of which included Bank of America -- Merrill Lynch, JP Chase Morgan -- Bear Stearns, and Wells Fargo -- Wachovia. Alongside bailouts … [Read more...]

How Much You Need to Save for Retirement

how much to save for retirementHow much money does a typical worker need to save every month in order to have a reasonable chance of financing a secure retirement? New analysis from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (CRR) came up with a broad overview of the rates needed by different age groups and income levels. To estimate necessary savings rates, the researchers first sought to determine what level of retirement income would provide an equivalent standard of living to a retiree's final year of pre-retirement income. After they took account of changes in various tax burdens, commuting expenses, housing costs and other factors, they estimated that a single worker … [Read more...]